
Armadillo Removal

Armadillo Removal

The armadillo is found in the southern two thirds of the state.  Since armadillos have no hair for insulation their habitat is limited to areas that do not freeze. The armadillo has 9 moveable rings of armor from its shoulder armor to its hip armor. The tail of an armadillo is also protected by rings of armor. Their size is similar to the size of a possum hence some people refer to an armadillos as possum on the half shell. Armadillos have very large sharp claws that provide them with the ability dig for food and create the burrows where they live. Their diet consists of larvae, insects, ants, spiders, grubs and other invertebrate. As armadillos search for food they dig small holes up to 3 inches wide and 5 inches deep. They will also up-root flowers and other vegetation.

Armadillos are primarily nocturnal animal active at night. While searching for food armadillos seem to be oblivious to anything else around them and may come very close to humans and their pets. Armadillos have been in Alabama since 1940 and will continue to expand their densities in their range.

and trim from rotting.

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