
Bobcat Removal

Bobcat Removal

Alabama has a healthy population of bobcats.  The name bobcat comes from its short bobbed tail,  most other cats have a long tail.  Bobcats are called the ghosts of the woods because they are seldom seen. Bobcats are medium sized cats that have reddish brown to Smokey grey fur along their back with white bellies with black spots.  Some bobcats will have spots covering the fur on their back these spots are often called rosette.  The bobcat’s eyes are very large with elliptical pupils that give them great eyesight both day and night.  As far as size, adult bobcats can be range from 18-50 inches long and weight between14-40 pounds.  An adult bobcats range is between 2 and 7 miles. Bobcats are primarily nocturnal creatures and do their feeding at night. Since they are carnivorous, they do not feed on fruits like some other predators do.  Bobcats can be found in a variety of habitats such as wooded areas, semi open farmland, swamps and even suburbia that touches some of these areas. Bobcats are carnivorous they do not distinguish between a family pet and a rabbit; they see it as a meal.

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