
Otter Removal

Otter Removal

The otters found in Alabama are the North American river otters. Otters in Alabama are statewide. The North American otter can range in size but normally are between 11 to 35 pounds and range between three to over four feet in length. They have a very streamlined body with a very muscular flattened tail. The tail can make up to 40 percent of an otters overall length.  Otter are very intelligent, playful, agile, graceful and powerful swimmers and can swim at speeds up to almost 20 miles per hour.  Otter have sharp claws, webbed feet and very sharp canine teeth to catch and hold their prey. Their fur is made up of a short dense underfur protected by long shinny guard hair.  Sometimes when you see otters they seem to always be grooming themselves. They do this to retain the waterproofing and insulation of the fur. The otter fur can range in color from dark brown almost black along their back to a pale chestnut.  The otters’ eyes have special lenses to be able to see underwater and they can remain underwater up to 8 minutes.   They are found in rivers, lakes, creeks and ponds. Otter are wanderers you may see them for a day or two and then not again in the same area for several weeks since they can range from 5 to 50 miles.   These cute creatures can wreak havoc on a pond.  They are mainly fish eaters but will also feed on crayfish, snakes, turtles, frogs, fresh water muscles and any other small animal.  Otters can become a nuisance to individual by creating an otter toilet on your dock or pier and even in your boat. They will continue to use the area just like you use the restroom in your house.

Pure Wildlife Control has experience trapping the North American river otter in all different habitats.

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